Wednesday, June 3, 2015

How Good Are You at Talent Management?

  1. The following questions will help you gauge whether you’re following best practices for hiring, retaining, motivating, and developing talent. Once you’ve completed them, you’ll get feedback on your strengths and weaknesses and advice for improving the latter.
  2. Does your company use a reliable list of key competencies to assess senior leaders?

  3. When making senior appointments, do you always consider both internal and external candidates?

  4. Before conducting a search for candidates to fill a particular role, do you always define a short list of essential characteristics for the job?

  5. Have you properly trained your line managers in the best talent assessment practices, including conducting behavioral interviews and, whenever feasible, testing candidates in temporary tryout situations?

  6. Do you have a well-defined process for checking references?

  7. How many people in your organization typically play a defining role in assessing candidates for senior positions?

  8. Which of the following factors do you give greatest priority to when making a senior appointment?

  9. What percentage of your senior leaders are female?

  10. Do you always create and follow a clear integration plan for your senior hires?

  11. Are you familiar with the concept of talent portability and the conditions for high portability?

  12. Do you use an empirically robust model for assessing talent potential?

  13. Have you identified key competencies for your senior leaders to develop that are aligned with your strategy?

  14. Do you regularly offer your most promising senior leaders stretch assignments?

  15. Do you have a reliable framework for assessing the effectiveness of your leadership teams, all the way from your task forces to your executive committee and board?

  16. Do people in your organization feel autonomy, mastery, and purpose in their jobs?

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